The Odyssey is an almost 100 meter long upright freighter that was scuttled in 2002 near Mud Hole.
Name Dive Site: | Odyssey |
Depth: | 39-118ft (12-36m) |
Inserted/Added by: | subway_watersports |
Rated: | Rated not yet |
Specifications: | ![]() |
GPS: | N16°21.056', W86°32.681' |
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Roatan's biggest planned wreck is a 95meter long freighter called Odyssey. Owned by Hybur Limited, the Odyssey was being rebuilt when a catastrophic fire put an end to its freight-hauling career. Close ties between the Galindos, owners of Anthony's Key Resort, and the Hydes, owners of Hybur Limited, made it an obvious decision to donate Odyssey for wreck diving. AKR spearheaded the effort to secure government approval, clean, prepare and sink the ship, while several dive operators around the island contributed to the cleanup effort.
The cleanup was extensive, with approximately 50 truckloads of debris – including charred furniture, insulation and electrical wiring – removed over several weeks. Once clean, Odyssey was made safe for scuba divers. For example, hatch covers weighing several tons were welded on to strengthen the ship's frame. On November 15, 2002, the ship was towed from French Harbour to Mud Hole, positioned over its future home, and sunk.
70-80 spectators watched from sea and shore as lines were anchored to ensure the ship remained upright while sinking. The sea-cocks were opened, and water began to fill the ship. After several hours, and one dramatic moment when it listed to starboard, the Odyssey righted itself and disappeared beneath the surface. Blanton and Galindo were among a group of divers privileged to visit the Odyssey the following morning. Upon seeing the upright attitude and location of Odyssey centered between two coral heads, Galindo commented it was a "bull's-eye".
The new home of Odyssey is off Mud Hole, resting on sand in 35 meter of water. The ship is massive, 95 meter from bow to stern, 16 meter wide and 27 meter tall. The size is also the most impressive thing about diving the Odyssey. Exploring the cargo area, along passageways the length of a football field, divers look tiny. The bow of the wreck is sitting upright while the superstructure of the stern is sitting at a 30 degree angle which makes swimming through it quite interesting. The midsection has collapsed from the powerful surge of several cold fronts.
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Name: native_sons
The Odyssey Wreck is the largest wreck on Roatan, a 300ft long cargo ship that was intentionally sunk in 2002. It lies on a sand patch at 110ft and has been a little rearranged by some storms. The stern is almost upright and stands 85ft high. The cargo hold has collapsed and the bow lies on her side but the size of this wreck is truly stunning and the coral has started to grow all over her. There is some nice shallow reef nearby where we decompress.
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